TP4056 1A Li-Ion Battery Charging Board Micro USB with Current Protection
LCD1602 Parallel LCD Display with Yellow Backlight for Arduino and other MCU
RCWL-0516 Microwave Radar Motion Sensor for Arduino
LED Traffic Lights Signal Module / Digital Signal Output Traffic Light Module
FS1000A 433mHz Transmitter Tx & Receiver Rx RF Radio Module
TTP223 1 channel Capacitive Touch Sensor Module
Micro SD Card Reader Breakout Module
Raspberry Pi Pico Adiy Fly RP2040 (Made in India)
- Compact form factor (2.4" x 0.7" or 60mm x 18mm)
- 26 GPIO pins, including 3 analogue inputs, 2 UARTs, 2 I2C controllers, 2 SPI controllers, and 8 PWM channels
- USB 1.1 controller and 3.3V regulator
- Dual-core Arm Cortex-M0+ processor that runs at up to 133 MHz
- 264 KB of RAM and 2 MB of flash memory
- Can be programmed in C/C++, MicroPython, and other languages
- Ideal for robotics, IoT, automation, and more
DS3231 RTC Module Precise Real Time Clock I2C AT24C32
Raindrops Detection Sensor Module for Arduino
Transparent Case Shell Enclosure Gloss Box For Arduino UNO R3
DS18B20 Water Proof Temperature Probe Black (1m)
LED Traffic Lights Signal Module / Digital Signal Output Traffic Light Module
L298N 2A Based Dual Motor Driver Module with PWM Control
Voltage Detection Sensor Module 0-25V for Arduino
650nm 6mm 5V DC 5mW Mini Laser Dot Diode Module